ISBN 9780797434769
Pages 198
Dimensions 297 x 210mm
Illustrations Colour Photographs
Published 2013
Publisher Storytime Promotions, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Women Musicians of Zimbabwe

A Celebration of Women’s Struggle for Voice and Artistic Expression

by Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

Music, has been part of African women’s lives since time immemorial. Zimbabwean women sang songs to communicate, express their feelings or celebrate life changes. During pasichigare (pre-colonial times) women used the song to cope with the day to day challenges of life, to manage their daily chores, to deal with their emotions, to air their grievances,to challenge oppression, and to celebrate womanhood. Through music, women were able to put themselves at the centre-stage of their communities. They were an integral part of the structures of the society and they found it easier to use music as a communication tool. Women Musicians of Zimbabwe explores the role played by women in the development of music genres in Zimbabwe and to explore why there are very few women musicians in Zimbabwe compared to men.

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About the Author

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda

Joyce Jenje-Makwenda was born in 1958 in Mbare Township in Harare.She is a researcher, writer and producer. For the past 30 years or more she has been involved in research in the areas of music, popular culture, media, politics, women's history and gender issues. Joyce has made some notable achievements with her artistic work across the board, winning a number of awards since the early 1990's.