ISBN 9781779314642
Pages 277
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2023
Publisher Mwanaka Media and Publishing, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback

Writing Woman Anthology: Drama and Scholarly Essays

An Anthology of African Asian Writers and Artists Volume 3

by Tendai Rinos Mwanaka, Abigail George, Mona Lisa Jena, Sue Zhu

The stars are in alignment. Her dramatists and scholars have spoken on the tapestry of these pages as a testament to the powers that be and the knowledge of the ancients. The language and the expertise involved will speak to your heart in praise of Africa. These word artists, these scholars and dramatists bring their life experience to the book, a noble kind of variety, an energy, their particular aura, the juxtaposition of the effervescent flux of ideas, ideals, innovation and ideology. The narrative in the essays and plays is based on reality and non-reality, the substance of dream killers in some very captivating and enticing lines, it is Africa’s time to shine. This volume is anchored to a dream, and tethered to a goal. Since ancient times there have been generational curses in the bloodline and strongholds that are determined not to let us go. Terrain that in a nutshell has been deposited in our genetic code, but now it is time for the divine awakening of our ancestors and for divine wisdom and new insights to prevail. We owe our ancestors that much. There is truth that speaks to power on these pages.

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About the Authors

Tendai Rinos Mwanaka

Tendai. R. Mwanaka is a multi-disciplinary artist from Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. His oeuvre of works touches on non-fictions, essays, poetry, plays, fictions, music, sound art, photography, drawings, paintings, video, collage, mixed media, inter-genres and inter-disciplines. His work has been published in over 300 journals, anthologies and magazines in over 27 countries.

Abigail George

Pushcart Prize nominated Abigail George is a South African blogger at Goodreads, essayist, poet, playwright, short story writer and novelist. She briefly studied film at the Newtown Film and Television School in Johannesburg. Her writing has appeared in many anthologies in South Africa and online in e-zines across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States. 

Mona Lisa Jena

Mona Lisa Jena is an award-winning author, translator from Odisha, in the Eastern part of India. Her poems and stories have been translated into other languages. She has 22 books to her name. She writes both in her mother tongue Odia and in English. She has read her poems at prestigious literary platforms in India and abroad. A committed poet and a writer.

Sue Zhu

Sue Zhu, is a New Zealand Chinese poet, artist, Continental coordinator of WPM (world poetry movement), extraordinary ambassador of the Naji Naaman literature prize foundation, vice president of NZ Poetry/Art Association, honorary director of the US-China Culture/Art Centre, published 3 children’s education books, 2 poetry collections and 1 translation book. Poems of her are translated into over 20 languages, her paintings can be found on the book cover of prestigious anthologies and are collected by people.