ISBN 9789966150677
Pages 106
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2012
Publisher Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa, Kenya
Format Paperback

Our Father

An Indian Christian Prays the Lord's Prayer

by C.B. Peter

Our Father is an accessible but theologically astute book, employing sound biblical scholarship, systematic theological reflection, and socio-cultural assessments which aid understanding of the profound implications for our time in history and of the sixty-seven words that comprise the Lord's Prayer.

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"Our Father is an accessible but theologically astute book, employing sound biblical scholarship, systematic theological reflection, and socio-cultural assessment to help us understand the profound implications for our time in history, of the sixty-seven words that comprise the Lord’s Prayer. It also reflects the wisdom, love of storytelling, and delightful humor of its author, the Reverend Christopher Benjamin Peter, known as “CB” to the countless students, lay people, clergy, and colleagues he has influenced in his years of scholarship, teaching, and ministry."

Dr. John Blevins Associate Research Professor, Rollins School of Public Health Emory University, Atlanta, GA (USA)

"CB’s contribution is unique. He aptly brings out the reality that is in the power of praying with the words of the Lord’s Prayer, a spiritual exercise that is totally different from simple recitation or even ingenious exegesis of the same prayer. The idea that the Lord’s Prayer petitions the oneness of heaven and earth, the oneness of all humanity as the children of one Father, the integration of all dimensions of one humanity standing in need of the providence of one and the only God—to feed, to forgive, to preserve from temptation, to deliver from evil, etc—is a fresh line of thought that CB explores. His contribution is truly a valuable offering that, understood correctly, can aid refresh our perspectives every time we offer our prayer in the words of the Lord’s Prayer."

The Rev. Canon Professor Joseph Galgalo Vice Chancellor, St. Paul’s University Limuru, Kenya