ISBN 9789966150639
Pages 236
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2012
Publisher Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa, Kenya
Format Paperback

The Bible and African Culture

Mapping Transactional Inroads

by Humphrey Waweru

How can African theology survive the self-repetition of mere cultural apologia or contextualization-stereotypes, and mature into a critical theoretical discipline responding to the challenges of the postmodern world-order? Dr. Humphrey M. Wawe contributes here a sound theological reflection using the hitherto unused methodological paradigm of mapping the inroads in the
'transaction' between the Bible and African culture.

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About the Author

Humphrey Waweru

Humphrey M. Waweru, PhD, teaches in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. He has also been a lecturer of Philosophy and Politics at Daystar University: Cultural Word of the Bible and New Testament Biblical Studies, African International University (formally Negst) and Nist.