Francis Jaekel
Francis Jaekel was born on 18th April 1913 and was educated at St. Albans School and Derby Technical College. He received his technical training at the London Midland and Scottish Railway Company, The Asiatic Petroleum Company Limited and Great Southern Railway, Ireland. He was appointed to the colonial service in 1938 and served the Nigerian Railway in seventeen officer positions over twenty-seven years. During the Second World War, he was commissioned in the West African Engineers, Nigeria Regiment. He later spent ten years with the Ministry of Defence London on military bridging for which work he was awarded the Order of the British Empire. His last position was as project engineer for Marubeni Corporation of Tokyo on behalf of De Leuw Chadwick OhEocha of Ilford in the field of Nigerian telecommunications. Mr Jaekel, a chartered and European engineer, is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Member of the Institution of Royal Engineers and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Transport, Permanent Way Institution, Royal Geographical Society and Zoological Society of London. He now lives in retirement with his wife, Madge, is the county of Lincolnshire, England.