Jean Tardif Lonkog
Jean Tardif Lonkog was born in Santa, in the North West Region of Cameroon. He went to high school not far from home, at the Cameroon School of Arts, Science and Technology in Bambili, where he read the arts and graduated in 1993. In 2001-02, he attended the Mbengwi government teacher training college, and then taught locally in schools from 2002 to 2004. He travelled to China in 2005 where he taught English and learnt traditional Chinese medicine until 2008 when he returned to Cameroon. He is now a schoolteacher in the north of Cameroon. He also practices traditional Chinese medicine. He is studying for a bachelor’s degree in sociology via distance learning. He is married and a father of one. The Black Man and his Visa is his first book, and he hopes to keep writing.