John K. Fokwang
John Koyela Fokwang was born in Bali Nyonga in Southern Cameroons. He attended the Native Authority School in Bali where he later taught as a Probationary Teacher (1963-1965). He continued his professional training and enrichment and progressively earned his teacher's qualification, culminating with a Grade I certificate in 1975. He became a Senior Grade I teacher in 1981 and eventually took up administrative positions within the Inspectorate of Education in the Menchum Division, Wum. In 1987, he completed his studies, earning a diploma in Project Management at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Always animated by the quest to enrich his professional and personal life, John Fokwang trained and obtained a certificate in General Agriculture from INADES Forma-tion, Cameroon, in 1998 and as a trainer of election monitors in 2002. For his dedication to his community and the Cameroon nation, he was awarded the Medal of Cameroon Merit on 20th May 2000. He was a founding member of the Association for Creative Teaching (ACT) and the Kaberry Research Centre, Bamenda. He has edited several children's and teachers' literary works and is the author of the bestselling Dictionary of Popular Bali Names.