ISBN 9789899022140
Pages 136
Dimensions 180x130mm
Published 2023
Publisher Editora Trinta Zero Nove, Moçambique
Format Paperback

Expectativas Miúdas

by Mai Ziadah

In Girl's Expectations Mai Ziadah tackles various intellectual, literary and social issues raised in her time, but which are still relevant today, such as the question of young women who break away from the traditionally feminine image and interests, and share their intellectual concerns and literary ambitions. The collection reflects the image of the world in the first half of the 20th century, especially in the Arab World, through the eyes of Mai, a female writer and intellectual in a male-dominated society. 
The book includes personalities with whom the essayist and novelist lived and fictional characters created to express her thoughts and contemplations.
Em Expectativas Miúdas Mai Ziadah aborda várias questões intelectuais, literárias e sociais levantadas no seu tempo, mas que continuam actuais, como a questão das jovens mulheres que rompem com a imagem e interesses tradicionalmente femininos, e partilham as suas preocupações intelectuais e as suas ambições literárias. A colectânea reflecte a imagem do mundo na primeira metade do século XX, especialmente no Oriente Árabe, sob o olhar de Mai, uma mulher, escritora e culta numa sociedade dominada pelos homens. O livro abrange personalidades com quem a ensaísta e romancista conviveu e, personagens fictícias criadas para exprimir os seus pensamentos e contemplações.
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About the Author

Mai Ziadah

Mai Ziadah (1886-1941), a Palestinian-Lebanese writer and novelist born in Nazareth in 1886. Mai mastered nine languages including Arabic, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, and Syriac. She was the only daughter of a Lebanese father and a Palestinian Orthodox mother. She received her primary education in Nazareth and her secondary education in Ain Tura, Lebanon. In 1907, she moved with her family to Cairo, where she studied literature and became proficient in French, English, Italian, and German. In Cairo, she taught French and English and continued her studies of German, Spanish, and Italian while mastering the Arabic language. Later, she pursued studies in Arabic literature, Islamic history, and philosophy at the University of Cairo. She published literary, critical, and social articles. She hosted a literary salon every Tuesday, and her visitors included prominent figures of that era, such as Aqad, Salama Moussa, and others. After the death of her father in 1929 and her mother in 1932, she suffered greatly and was committed to a psychiatric hospital. She died at the age of 55 at the Maadi Hospital in Cairo.