ISBN 9789956616008
Pages 76
Dimensions 203 x 127 mm
Published 2010
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Facing Adversity with Audacity

by Gideon F. For-mukwai

This is a very engaging book based on compelling stories of human triumph over adversity coming out of Africa, Asia and America. Gideon's personal journey and his account of his mother and uncle in this book exemplify what it means to be truly resilient. The book is moving, well thought out and masterfully structured, a most riveting Read. Gideon For-mukwai draws on local wisdoms from his native Cameroon to tell a universal story. It is a book written in evidence of a mind in tune with the heart. Its stories, strategies, and metaphors provide incredible wisdom relevant to any society and explicitly remind readers that our circumstances may be different, but the strategies to overcome are the same. If a widow can make a legendary success story in Africa, then almost anybody can. What makes this book special is the fact that it is based on the stories of modest human beings.

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“I urge you to read this book and discover its sense of humanity and urgency, empathy and originality, tenacity and audacity. Gideon has indeed made sense of our common existence, our fractured world, and how we can face it courageously every single day to make it a better place for every human being who ever walks the fragile face of the earth.”

W. Mitchell, CPAE

“In a world where such books improve nothing but their writer’s financial situation, this is a useful and honest contribution to the library of self-help books. The reader is spared the blithe and impracticable solutions that some writers, who have no actual experience of adversity, visit on an unsuspecting readership. Mr. For-mukwai draws deeply from the well of his experience. This book is clear, clean, living water; it is sustenance for the soul.”

Rosemary Ekosso, Translator/Interpreter

“Gideon is absolutely committed to living an extraordinary life. He understands that challenges come with the territory. This powerful book proves that life’s ups and downs are fuel for your own success. When life knocks you down, turn to Gideon for insights and advice to pick yourself back up—and climb even higher.”

Ron Kaufman Author of best-selling UP Your Service! Singapore

 “This is a must-read for anyone going through adversity in their lives. Even if you’re not, read it, for one day, you’re going to need it.”

Scott Friedman, CSP Motivational Humorist

“Gideon For-mukwai’s life journey across three continents and some timeless African wisdom makes for great food for thought and a reflection of resilient attitudes.”

David Lim Founder and CEO, Everest Motivation, Singapore

About the Author

Gideon F. For-mukwai

Gideon F. For-mukwai, a citizen of Cameroon, is an award-winning speaker and trainer who lives and works in the USA. He is a certified Emergency Manager and Technical Writer with worldwide experience.