ISBN 9789785829839
Pages 242
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2021
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Locusts Are Here Again

by Bright Avwoghoke Okoro

Here is a familiar phenomenon and especially easily understood in any neighbourhood, or settlement, or small town or certain parts of a city or geographical region where intensively profitable commercial or industrial or mining activities have wrought extensive physical changes, alongside transformation of basic values and political bickerings and configuration of social and political alignments.

The Locusts are Here Again documents and explores the various hazards, deprivations and sufferings engendered by crude oil-exploiting activities in the so-called oil-bearing communities of the Niger Delta of Nigeria. The communities can so far only bear the oil physically but unable to own it economically, socially and politically except the deleterious consequences.

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About the Author

Bright Avwoghoke Okoro

Bright Avwoghoke Okoro, educated at College of Education Ekiadolor-Benin, Delta State University, Abraka and University of Benin teaches English and Communication at Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria where has held several administrative positions. He was one-time the HOD of Arts and Humanities, Dean School of General Studies, Director Weekend Programme. In 2016, and was appointed "Item Writer" (Resource Person) for Literature by Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). He is the current Head of Department of Mass Communication at Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro.