ISBN 9789785739763
Pages 228
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2019
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Strength of Living

by Bright Avwoghoke Okoro

Strength of Living centres on Robert and his wife Agnes who are devoted Christians. They also inculcate the Christian values in their children. Robert worked with a foreign and expatriate-dominated construction company as a site engineer, and was well known for his discipline and diligence which earned him the highest award in the company.

In his church, Robert is the head of Hospital and Prison Ministry and his ministry had been making great impact in these two areas. Against run of the mill, he loses his job due to some racial intrigues at the management level. This brings untold hardship to the family. Agnes tries to sustain the family. When Robert sees that he is unable to play his traditional role of the breadwinner of his family, he becomes withdrawn, depressed and frustrated. His church too does not help matters much as church members and its management seem to have abandoned him. His reactions have grave consequences for his family and community relations.

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About the Author

Bright Avwoghoke Okoro

Bright Avwoghoke Okoro, educated at College of Education Ekiadolor-Benin, Delta State University, Abraka and University of Benin teaches English and Communication at Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria where has held several administrative positions. He was one-time the HOD of Arts and Humanities, Dean School of General Studies, Director Weekend Programme. In 2016, and was appointed "Item Writer" (Resource Person) for Literature by Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). He is the current Head of Department of Mass Communication at Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro.