ISBN 9789899139190
Pages 34
Dimensions 279x216 mm
Published 2023
Publisher Editora Trinta Zero Nove, Moçambique
Format Paperback

Nleeso Nowunmathana Na Maama

by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chino’s mama wears a sleeping scarf at night, to keep her hair all soft and nice. One day, when Mama is leaving for work, she lets Chino play with the scarf – and so begins a magical day of imagination and adventure! Running with the scarf, Chino weaves together the little moments of home life into a glorious celebration of love passed down through generations, as well as the power of the mother-daughter relationship, and the gentle joys that build a perfect day.

Mukhaliheryo muulupale wolavulela wariyari wa soreera sotteliwa murima ni osuluheya mwimusini. Yolempwa ni Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, mwaneene wa ikhalelo sonyohola ni oophentiwa, muteko woreera onopwahererya otthokoleliwa ni anamasoma akaani ni akina - sin'hala sayi soreera sa sitthokoleliwaka

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