ISBN 9789987753956
Pages 152
Dimensions 270 x 140mm
Published 2024
Publisher Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania
Format Paperback

Street Level: Fourth Edition

A collection of drawings and creative writing inspired by Dar es Salaam

by Sarah Markes

Street Level was selected as 2012 Honor Book for Older Readers by the Children's Africana Book Award program, affiliated with the African Studies Association.

 Street Level is a collection of drawings and creative writing illustrated and compiled by artist Sarah Markes. It pays homage to the dynamic city of Dar es Salaam – its architecture, inhabitants, and natural environment. The book’s aim is to both document the contemporary life of Dar – its colourful population, street vendors, transport, and cuisine – as well as to raise awareness of the threats to its heritage and environment from rapid and erratically regulated redevelopment.

Karen Moon, an architectural historian, provides historical background through a fascinating introductory chapter and captions to the architectural illustrations. Heritage conservation and regeneration specialists Simon Odunga and Jeremy Cross outline some of the complexities of architectural conservation in the city.

 Now in its fourth edition, the book includes insights into heritage awareness and preservation from Aida Mulokozi and Annika Seifert of DARCH – The Dar Centre for Urban Heritage. It was described by MG Vassanji as, “A truly delightful book, a must for those who love Dar and care about its history."

Find out more about the project here.


Book Preview


“If Street Level were no more than a homage to the architecture of Dar it would have been a very significant achievement in its own right. But it is much more than that…This is a book to treasure for its fine illustrations and its sympathetic portrayal of Dar es Salaam in its many aspects.”

Mambo Magazine

"a unique and exceptional resource for middle and high school students. The creative prose and appropriate illustrations will be helpful in teaching about urban life in East Africa."

Children's Africana Book Award Jury

About the Author

Sarah Markes

Sarah Markes uses art, design and writing to support conservation efforts. She studied graphic design and illustration at Central St. Martins College of Art in London, since when her work included collaboratively creating educational comic books, awareness campaigns, radio shows and schoolbooks covering public health, human rights and environmental issues in Malawi, Tanzania, Southern Sudan and Zambia. More recently, she spent eight years working for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in East Africa, before joining Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU). Sarah’s work blends artistry with advocacy, celebrating heritage, culture, and the natural environment. 


She has published three books with Mkuki na Nyota: the award-winning Street Level - A Collection of Drawings and Creative Writing which celebrates the architectural heritage and vibrant life of Dar es Salaam; Sea Level - A Portrait of Zanzibar which highlights the island’s natural beauty and cultural wealth; and her latest, Safari - An Illustrated Celebration of East African Fauna and Flora which showcases the region’s unique biodiversity.