ISBN 9789970024391
Pages 340
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Published 2004
Publisher Fountain Publishers, Uganda
Format Paperback

Adult Education in Uganda

Growth, Development, Prospects and Challenges

edited by Anthony Okech

Adult education has been practised in Uganda in various forms, perhaps since humans first inhabited the land; but very little has been written about it. It is therefore difficult to find relevant materials to use in the study of education in Uganda. Makerere University has been engaged in adult education since 1953, and so celebrated fifty years of its existence and service in 2003. This book is published in commemoration of this achievement. Its objectives are to document the development of adult education in Uganda, establish a base for further specialised study on adult education, provide a teaching resource for the study of adult and community education and pave the way for future adult education work. As a critical review and reflection on salient aspects and issues of adult education, including on the relative merits and disadvantages of indigenous and colonial languages as media for adult education, it is the first publication of its kind in Uganda.

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About the Editor

Anthony Okech

Anthony Okech is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Adult Education and Communication Studies and former Director of the Institute of Adult and Continuing Education at Makerere University, Uganda.

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