ISBN 9789956763283
Pages 214
Dimensions 216 x 140mm
Published 2016
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Died not Dead

by Nfor N. Nfor

In the village of Fakulum, a very special child is born - Njemucharr - in a time when the white man's grip on Africa hasn't quite loosened. Groomed and nurtured in typical African fashion by the entire village, Njemucharr aspires to bring change. With like-minded friends, he undertakes the task of trying to thwart the sell-outs of the nation and implement his vision of a truly independent country.

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About the Author

Nfor N. Nfor

Nfor N. Nfor is an uncompromising defender of truth, crusader for human freedom and dignity since his student days. During his term as Chairman of Constitutional and Political Affairs Committee of the Social Democratic Front (SDF), he saw the SDF as an instrument to end foreign domination and alien rule in British Southern Cameroons through the establishment of a genuine federation. But with la République du Cameroun’s iron will and wall of steel against democracy and federalism, Nfor has rededicated his life to the freedom and independence of his Fatherland and people. To accomplish this historic mission and as a committed student and practitioner of the philosophy of Nonviolence, he attaches primacy to mass education.