ISBN 9789785452822
Pages 254
Dimensions 234 x 156mm
Published 2016
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Essentials of Labour Relations in Nigeria: Volume 3

by Dafe Otobo

Combined together in three volumes are the author’s writings on labour and employments relations in Nigeria spanning over three and a half decades. Volume three covers the dynamics of public sector employment relations and starts with a general review and critique of organised labour’s perceptions of and contributions to the development crisis in Nigeria.

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About the Author

Dafe Otobo

Professor Dafe Otobo, educated at the University of Ibadan, The London School of Economics & Political Science, and the University of Oxford, is of the Industrial Relations & Personnel Management Department, University of Lagos. He is also the President of the Nigerian Industrial & Employment Relations Association (NIERA). He is widely published.