ISBN 9789785764352
Pages 510
Dimensions 234 x 156 mm
Published 2020
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Essentials of Lawyering Skills in Africa

by Festus Emiri, Ernest Owusu-Dapaa, Ayuba O. Giwa

In twenty-two chapters, divided into six parts for convenience, the authors not only lay bare the “art of lawyering” but also provide invaluable nuggets of perfecting and excelling as a solicitor and advocate. There is little doubt that the contents of this book dramatically make a lawyer, especially the lawyer in Africa, to be more effective, more skilful and a proper lawyer useful to the client and society.

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About the Authors

Festus Emiri

Oghenemaro Festus Emiri, was Professor of Jurisprudence, former Dean of Law at the Delta State University, Oleh Campus, Delta State of Nigeria, but is now Professor of Jurisprudence Chair E.K. Clark Distinguished Professor of Lawyering Skills, Edwin Clark University, Kiagbodo, Delta State, Nigeria. He is the author of Law of Restitution in Nigeria, Equity and Trust in Nigeria, and Medical Law and Ethics in Nigeria. His major interest is in Legal Philosophy and the Law of Obligations,especially the emerging Law of Restitution. 

Ernest Owusu-Dapaa

Dr. Ernest Owusu-Dapaa is Vice Dean and Head of Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Kwame Nkrumah University, Kumasi, Ghana. His research interest is Medical Ethics, Commercial Law and Professional Responsibility Law. He is an active member of the Ghana Bar Association and Partner, ODLA Attorneys, Kumasi.

Ayuba O. Giwa

Ayuba O. Giwa is of the Faculty of Law, Delta State University, Oleh Campus, Oleh, Nigeria.