ISBN 9788888934587
Pages 186
Dimensions 210 x 140 mm
Published 2018
Publisher Ponte Invisibile (Redsea Cultural Foundation) , Somaliland
Format Paperback

Ma Innaguun Baa!

by Said Jama Hussein

Qalin bilan, murti wax-ku-ool ah, iyo xiise aan marna damayn, ayaa looga bartay qoraaga Siciid Jaamac Xuseen inuu ku soo if bixiyo qoraalladiisa. Qoraalcurinta toolmoon, gaar ahaan sheekada gaaban iyo maqaalka aad ugu tegaysid Buugtiisa ‘Shufbeel’ iyo “Safar Aan Jaho Lahayn’ iyo kan cusub ee ‘Ma Innaguun Baa!’ ayaa caddayn ugu filan inuu Siciid Jaamac Xuseen habcurintaas hormood ka yahay.

In this work, Said Jama Hussein (aka Siciid Jaamac Xuseen) presents, in Somali, a series of short stories and personal memoirs.

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About the Author

Said Jama Hussein

Said Jama Hussein is a well-known Somali scholar, intensely devoted to the promotion of the Somali language and culture. He is the author of Shufbeeland and Safar Aan Jaho Lahayn; both are collections of short stories and literary essays. His most recent work Ma Innaguun Baa! also published by Ponte Invisibile, comprises of short stories and personal Memoirs. 

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