ISBN 9781779221506
Pages 156
Dimensions 203 x 133mm
Published 2011
Publisher Weaver Press, Zimbabwe
Format Paperback


edited by Charles Mungoshi, Musaemura Zimunya

Nganonyorwa idzi dzakatorwa mumabhuku anoti Writing Still, Writing Now, Laughing Now neWomen Writing in Zimbabwe. Dzakaturikirwa muChiShona nananyanduri vane mukurumbira muZimbabwe, Charles Mungoshi naMusaemura Zimunya. Vanyori vari mubhuku rino vanoti Julius Chingono, Valerie Tagwira, Anne Holmes, Petina Gappah, Charles Mungoshi, Chris Wilson, Gugu Ndlovu, Farai Mpofu naPat Brickhill. Nganonyorwa idzi dzinokubata moyo dzigokusekesa samare.

Mazambuko ibhuku rinoratidza rwendo rwekuturikira kubva mumutauro weChirungu kupinda muChiShona – rinova basa rinokurukurwa naMusaemura Zimunya mu‘Musumo’ uri kumavambo kwebhuku irori. Bhuku iri rinoburitsa pfungwa dzakasiyana siyana paye vanasarungano vanenge vachiyambuka mazambuko emoyo, ezviitiko muhupenyu hwedu, mehama neshamwari, zvekare nezvatinodavirisisa.

This collection of ten short stories have been selected from Writing Still, Writing Now, Laughing Now and Women Writing Zimbabwe, and translated into Shona by two highly regarded Zimbabwean writers, Charles Mungoshi and Musaemura Zimunya. Crossing Boundaries (Mazambuko) conveys not only the movement from English into Shona, a process discussed by Zimunya in his Foreword, but conveys an idea explored in very different ways in each of the stories.

Julius Chingono in Indavhiyu Yamaria considers the boundaries between hope, expectancy, and exploitation; Valerie Tagwira in Vimbiso Yamainini Grace looks at the tragedy that can occur when too much is asked of an individual; Annie Holmes in Dhirivhari humorously explores cultural misunderstanding and Petina Gappah in a wonderfully comic story, the Mupandawana Dancing Champion, delights us by confounding expectations. In Zvivi Zvamadzibaba, Charles Mungoshi cuts to the quick of family beliefs and demands finely balancing the tension between ideology and humanity. Chris Wilson with irony, and humour poignantly considers what happens when Aunt Jean's standards are turned upside down. Nevanje Madhanire in Garimoto Romukohwi Muvi considers the world from the point of view of a child, and examines its hypocrisies, and the suffering that results; not dissimilarly Gugu Ndlovu in Mvemve Dzamaposita looks at the disruptions and pain caused to children when events beyond their control undermine the well-being of a family. Farai Mpofu in Seri Kweguva writes of the suffering of a border jumper whose life in prison has almost ceased to have meaning. This collection concludes, however, with a story of hope, courage and resilience as Pat Brickhill reveals how we can always learn from each other in Mushonga Wepasi Pose.

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About the Editors

Charles Mungoshi

Born into a farming family in 1947, Charles Mungoshi was raised in the Chivhu area of Zimbabwe. After leaving school, he worked with the Forestry Commission before joining Textbook Sales. From 1975 to 1981 he worked at the Literature Bureau as an editor, and at Zimbabwe Publishing House for the next five years. In 1985-87 he was Writer in Residence at the University of Zimbabwe, and since then he has worked as a free-lance writer, script writer and editor.

Charles Mungoshi has written novels and short stories in both Shona and English, as well as two collections of children's stories, Stories from a Shona Childhood and One Day Long Ago (Baobab Books, 1989 and 1991); the former won him the Noma Award. He has also continued to write poetry and has one published collection: The Milkman doesn't only deliver Milk (Baobab Books, 1998). He has won the Commonwealth Writers Prize (Africa region) twice, in 1988 and 1998, for two collections of short stories: The Setting Sun and the Rolling World (Heinemann, 1987) and Walking Still (Baobab Books, 1997). Two of his novels: Waiting for the Rain (Heinemann 1975) and Ndiko kupindana kwa mazuva (Mambo Press, 1975) received International PEN awards.

Musaemura Zimunya

Musaemura Zimunya was born in 1949 in Mutare in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He was educated in Rhodesia and at Kent University, UK, where he acquired an MA in literature in 1979.
Zimunya began publishing poems when he was still at school, in literary journals in Rhodesia. His early poetry often revealed an imaginative appreciation of the beauty of nature. While his collection Thought Tracks (Longman, 1982) represents a generation that felt marginalized and deracinated by colonialism, Kingfisher, Jikinya and other poems, published in the same year (Longman, 1982), is a celebration of love and nature. Country Dawns and City Lights (Longman, 1985) takes a caustic look at the idealization of rural life, while also confronting the difficulties faced by the urban dweller. Perfect Poise (College Press,1993) and Selected Poems (Longman, 1995) are collections that contain both the lyricism of his earlier work and the sardonic biting perspective of the critic. Musa Zimunya has taught literature at the University of Zimbabwe since 1980. He has published one collection of short stories, Nightshift (Longman, 1993), and a volume of literary criticism. Zimunya's work has also been published in British and Amerikan anthologies, in Kizito Muchemwa’s Zimbabwean Poetry in English (1978), and in the collection he co-edited with Mudereri Khadani, And Now the Poets Speak (1981).

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