ISBN 9789990816242
Pages 380
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Illustrations Maps
Published 2000
Publisher Kachere Series, Malawi
Format Paperback

Politics and Christianity in Malawi 1875-1940

The Impact of the Livingstonia Mission in the Northern Province

by John McCracken

First published in 1977, this book has been recognised as one of the most successful studies to be made of the impact of a Christian mission in Africa. Starting with a survey of the economy and society of Malawi in the mid ninetieth century, the book goes on to examine the home background to the Livingstonia Mission of the Free Church of Scotland and the influence of David Livingstone upon it. It then describes the failure of 'commerce and Christianity' around the south end of Lake Malawi and the subsequent positive response which the mission evoked amoung the people of northern Malawi. African responces and the relationship between Christianity and politics dominate the second half of the book. Comprehensive reassessments are made of the origins of the Watch Tower movement; the growth of Christian independence and the character of interpolitical asssociations. This revised edition included a new introduction, an up-dated bibliography, and some revised text.

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About the Author

John McCracken

John McCracken teaches at the University of Stirling, Scotland. He has also taught at the Universities of Zimbabwe and Dar es Salaam, and in 1980-1983 was professor of History at Chancellor College, the University of Malawi. Between 1990 and 1992 was president of the African Studies Association, UK.

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