ISBN 9789780232009
Pages 76
Dimensions 203 x 127 mm
Published 2007
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Running Waters

by Angela Miri

These forty-four poems, divided into two sections or streams, explore diverse social, political and emotional themes. The first stream focuses on the different roles played by the Nigerian woman - wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover - her travails and her 'place' in the agenda of things. The second stream delves into the complex and oft times puzzling theme of the 'self' - self-confidence, self-belief, self-discovery and self-acceptance. Angela Miri is Head of the English Department at the University of Jos, where she teaches mainly African oral literature and African poetry.

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About the Author

Angela Miri

Angela Miri is Head of the English Department at the University of Jos, where she teaches mainly African oral literature and African poetry.

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