ISBN 9789996045165
Pages 566
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2016
Publisher Mzuni Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

The Zionist Churches in Malawi

History - Theology - Anthropology

by Ulf Strohbehn

This book presents an African Christian movement full of vitality and creativity. The reader will meet believers who drink milk so that they may dream about angels, reports about funerals where the mourners dance with the coffin on their shoulders and church members who are ritually not allowed to fertilize their fields or wear neck ties. The author's unique insight into Malawi's Christian community addresses important issues in society. Why have 'Spirit Churches,' including Pentecostalism, been so successful in Malawi? Why do some religious groups still refuse medical help, up to the point that children die of cholera? How did the independent churches deal with the colonial trauma? In this masterful portrait, Strohbehn takes the reader from industrial mine compounds to rural colonies, where churches have set up their own spiritual and political rule. He carefully dissects the fine lines between traditional notions and Christianity's influence. We find a spiritual portrait of the Ngoni people, a fascinating cultural analysis of dancing and an encounter with a unique style of preaching.

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“Strohbehn’s African perspective on Malawian migrant workers and their experience of Zionism brings out a new understanding of what ministers are facing today.”

Prof. Maake Masango, University of Pretoria

About the Author

Ulf Strohbehn

Ulf Strohbehn, originally from Germany, came to Malawi in 1997 and worked for fifteen years at the International Bible College Berea in Ndirande, Blantyre. He has been at the forefront of contextualized theology in the country and in doing so has helped many Christians to live a wholistic life and to proclaim a culturally relevant Gospel. Ulf also taught at Chancellor College, Zomba and lectured in cultural anthropology at the Catholic University of Malawi. He currently lives in Finland and works as a missionary trainer and cultural anthropologist for Fida International. He holds a BA degree from Global University, MA and PhD degrees from the University of Malawi, Chancellor College, Zomba.

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