ISBN 9781920397227
Pages 76
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Published 2011
Publisher Modjaji Books, South Africa
Format Paperback

These are the Lies I Told You

by Kerry Hammerton

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Kerry Hammerton is an anatomist of romantic love, from the rumpled hotel sheets of lust to the shared tattoos of intimacy. With its roller-coaster ride of erotica, sensuality, heartbreak and laugh out loud hilarity, These are the lies I told you is a debut volume destined to break sales records in this country. The Marian Keyes of poetry has arrived.

Finuala Dowling, Poet and creative writing teacher

About the Author

Kerry Hammerton

Kerry Hammerton is a poet, writer and alternative health practitioner. She is a graduate of The University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg) and The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine (Reading, UK). Her poetry has been published in South African literary journals such as Carapace, New Contrast and New Coin, online at Litnet and Incwadi. She has also been a contributor to The Empty Tin Readings (May 2010) and The Poetry Project. These are the lies I told you is her first poetry collection. Kerry has fewer wrinkles than she should have at her age – or so her friends tell her.

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