ISBN 9789970025640
Pages 287
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 2006
Publisher Fountain Publishers, Uganda
Format Paperback

Uganda's Revolution 1979-1986. How I Saw It

by Pecos Kutesa

This is the story of the guerrilla National Resistance Army in Uganda and its struggle to overthrow the Idi Amin government in the 1980s, a war which has been characterised by the historian Mahmood Mamdani as a historic defeat in Africa for a professional army at the hands of civilians. The story is told from the perspectives of the combatants – the intellectuals and the uneducated masses who rallied to change the social and political landscape of their country.

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About the Author

Pecos Kutesa

Pecos Kutesa is a former guerrilla-combatant who became a member of the Uganda Constituent Assembly in 1995.

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