ISBN 9789990887334
Pages 108
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2008
Publisher Kachere Series, Malawi
Format Paperback

Can You Tell Me Why I Went to War?

A Story of a Young King's Rifle, Reverend Father John E.A. Mandambwe

by Mario Kolk

Reverend Father John E.A. Mandambwe was born in 1926 in the Zomba District Malawi. At that time he knew nothing of a war which was raging in other parts of the world. How then, did he become a soldier in the British Army where he served in the King's African Rifles K.A.R? The war took him to Egypt and India over a seven-year period and he returned as a Staff Sergeant. This is the story of a young African soldier who fought in World War II as told by Mario Kolk.

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