ISBN 9781990983283
Pages 96
Dimensions 210 x 140mm
Published 2022
Publisher Dryad Press, South Africa
Format Paperback

Dark Horse

by Michèle Betty

The poems in Dark Horse are disruptive, even disturbing. The collection engages with taboos and myths surrounding self-harm, consequent journeys to unfamiliar, sometimes foreign spaces, and aspects of spiritual awareness and loss. Dark Horse offers a powerful distillation of experience and imagination that will be essential reading for any person who knows someone who has taken their own life.

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"Dark Horse is the best collection of poems I have read in years. One brilliant poem follows another. I finished it in one sitting and then started at the beginning again."


"In her compelling second volume of poetry, Michèle Betty navigates the dark corners of the soul. In three sections - Verso, Inversus and Verbatim - the scars of loss are described with finely tuned perception. Substantial spiritual awareness is packed into these well-crafted poems. The reader is made aware of a symmetry between grief and acceptance as the poet uncodes foreign landscapes and the inner landscape of the self."


About the Author

Michèle Betty

Michèle Betty is the poetry editor of New Contrast: The South African Literary Journal and the founder of Dryad Press (Pty) Ltd, a bespoke poetry publishing company dedicated to the promotion and publication of poetry in South Africa. She has a BA LLB from the University of Witwatersrand and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Cape Town. Her poems have appeared in journals both in South Africa and abroad, including Stanzas, Aerodrome, the Sol Plaatjie European Union Anthology, The Atlanta Review and the Live Canon International Poetry Anthology 2017. Her debut collection Metaphysical Balm was published in March 2017.