ISBN 9789996066375
Pages 264
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2019
Publisher Luviri Press, Malawi
Format Paperback

Distinguished Conduct

An African Life in Colonial Malawi

by Melvin E. Page

Can an African soldier be loyal to his British regiment and stay true to his own society and its beliefs? Juma Chimwere believes he must!

Distinguished Conduct recounts a Malawian msilikali’s life of doing so. Beginning as an eager Yao recruit in the Central African Rifles, through more than a half century of British colonialism in Nyasaland, Juma remains faithful to his goal. Though sometimes questioning the ongoing effects of his service his continued devotion to duty merits many awards, including medals personally presented by King Edward VII and the Governor of Nyasaland. After retirement his efforts turn more towards encouraging family enterprise and promoting an independent, united Malawi. Yet through his entire journey, Juma earns the respect not only of his fellow Africans, but his King’s African Rifles commanders as well.

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About the Author

Melvin E. Page

Melvin E. Page is Professor of History (Emeritus), East Tennessee State University, U.S.A. 

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