ISBN 9789789844654
Pages 668
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2022
Publisher Bayero University Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Hausa Dictionary for Everyday Use


by Paul Newman, Roxana Ma Newman

Hausa Dictionary for Everyday Use is intended to afford greater access to the language by millions of Hausa speakers and scholars in Nigeria and beyond. Composed in Standard Hausa which is largely spoken in Kano, Nigeria the authors have made great attempts to capture new terms and expressions not covered by previous publications.

Kamusun Hausa na Yau da Kullum, kundin littafi ne da ya ke dauke da kalmomi na Hausa da ma'anoninsu. An yi amfani da ingantacciyar Hausa wadda Hausar Kano ta mamaye. Littafin nan ya kunshi tsofaffi da sababbin kalmomi, wanda ya bambanta shi da sauran Qamusan da suka gabace shi. An yi wannan littafi ne domin manyan malamai na jami'o'i da dalibai masu bincike da masu magana da Harshen Hausa da masu koyon Hausa a Najeriya da wajenta.

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About the Authors

Paul Newman

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Paul Newman is regarded as the pre-eminent scholar on the Chadic family as a whole and on the Hausa language in particular, he was a founding editor of the Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, now approaching its 40th year, and a charter member of the advisory board of the online journal Language Documentation & Conservation. His areas of specialization in teaching and research include African languages (especially Hausa), historical linguistics, morphophonology, tone, field methods, lexicography, and language and law.

Roxana Ma Newman

Roxana Ma Newman has a doctorate in linguistics from UCLA and has enjoyed a career in and out of linguistics starting with a sociolinguistics project among Puerto Ricans in New York; spending a total six years in the field doing research and teaching in northern Nigeria, primarily working on Hausa linguistics and lexicography; and also teaching general linguistics.