ISBN 9789956552658
Pages 188
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2022
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

In Pursuit of an African Traditional Dance

An Afrocentric Historical Study of Buum Oku Dance Yaounde

by Thomas Jing

Africa is rich in (neo) traditional dances; yet, not much exists in the form of written literature on the subject. Even worse, existing documents date back to the colonial period and are often disparaging. Dance to Africans is what martial arts are to Asians. Embedded in them are some of the solutions to many of the problems wracking the African diaspora: gang violence, drug addiction, and high school dropout rates, etc. When Guinea's Ballets Africains first bursts on the international scene in the late fifties and sixties, the black revolution in the US was in full swing. The troupe's emancipatory message enkindled in African Americans a new sense of cultural pride and a return to their African roots. For once, dance became something else other than the ballet. With that burst of enthusiasm came the need to introduce African dances in the academia. Most of the research, however, focused mainly on dances which use drums (djembe). Departing from that tradition, in this detailed and richly choreographed ethnography on the Buum Oku Dance Yaounde, Thomas Jing's investigation into a xylophone-based dance opens up new research avenues and exposes the challenges involved. An Afrocentric theoretical framework to the research counters imperialist notions of African dances, thus setting them up as a tool for emancipation.

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About the Author

Thomas Jing

Thomas Jing est traducteur, écrivain, enseignant-chercheur, opérateur économique et entrepreneur culturel. Il est titulaire d’un Doctorat (PhD) en sciences de l’éducation, obtenu à l’Université de Regina au Canada où il a rédigé une thèse afrocentrique sur les enjeux de l’application des danses folkloriques africaines dans le contexte scolaire. Jing est né à Ndop, une bourgade non loin de Bamenda au Cameroun. Après ses études primaires et secondaires, il s’inscrit au Cameroon College of Arts and Science à Kumba. Fort d’un diplôme de General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, il s’immatricule à l’Université de Yaoundé, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines. Il en sort trois ans plus tard avec une licence en histoire. Il est recruté par le Ministère de l’Education Nationale comme professeur d’histoire et de français, et est affecté à un C.E.S. au village de Nyasoso dans la région du South West. Reçu un an plus tard au concours de traduction lancé par la présidence de la république, il part pour l’Université de Montréal au Canada. Il termine son M.A. en traduction et retourne au Cameroun en 1989, où il travaille au Ministère de l’Elevage, des Pêches et des Industries animales à Yaoundé comme traducteur principal et chef de service de la documentation et des archives. En 1996, Il quitte le Cameroun et s’installe en Afrique du Sud où il travaille avec les Jésuites dans leur projet pour les réfugiés et aussi avec les défenseurs sud-africains des droits de la personne. Il vit actuellement à Regina, capitale administrative de la Saskatchewan. Il publie son premier roman intitulé Tale of an African Woman chez Langaa Research and Publishing CIG, en 2007. Testament d’un patriote exécuté est ainsi son deuxième roman, mais le tout premier entièrement rédigé en français.

Thomas Jing is a translator, a writer, a teacher, a researcher, a businessman, and a cultural promoter. He holds a PhD in Education from the University of Regina in Canada where he wrote an Afrocentric dissertation on the relevance of African folkdances in North American school setting. Jing was born in Ndop, a district not far from Bamenda in Cameroon. He attended Government Primary School Bamunka and Sacred Heart College Mankon before heading to CCAS Kumba where he obtained his Advanced Level Certificate. He enrolled in the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences at the University of Yaounde where he graduated three years later with a B. A. in History. He was hired by the Ministry of National Education as French language and History teacher and sent to Government Secondary School Nyasoso in the South West. A year later, he wrote and passed the government competitive examination in translation organized by the Presidency of the Republic and received scholarship to study at the University of Montreal in Canada. After obtaining an M.A. in Translation, he returned to Cameroon in 1989 where he worked with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries. In 1996, he left Cameroon for South Africa where he worked with the Jesuit Refugee Services as well as some South African Human Rights Organizations. He currently lives in Regina, the administrative capital of Saskatchewan. He published his first novel Tale of an African Woman with Langaa in 2007. Testament d’un patriote execute is his second novel, but the very first one written in French.

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