ISBN 9780620354448
Pages 202
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2005
Publisher Botsotso Publishing , South Africa
Format Paperback

Saving Water

by Allan Kolski Horwitz

These poems cover many different states of mind and situations and are deeply rooted in South Africa but also travel to other continents. A strong historical consciousness is mixed with different examples of violence and dispossession as well as an awareness of subconscious associations so that the political and the surreal intermingle - the brutalities of war and exploitation are softened by the tenderness of love. Stylistically inventive, it explores new forms while striving for an overall musicality.

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About the Author

Allan Kolski Horwitz

ALLAN KOLSKI HORWITZ was born in 1952 in Vryburg, South Africa but grew up in Cape Town. Between 1974 and 1985 he lived in the Middle East, Europe and North America, returning to live in Johannesburg in 1986. Since then he has worked as an organiser and educator in the trade union and social housing movements. He is a writer in various genres as well as being a songwriter and singer. Since leaving full-time employment in the trade unions in 2009, he continues on an ad hoc with his work as an educator and activist. He is a member of the Botsotso Jesters poetry performance group and of the Botsotso Publishing editorial board. 

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