ISBN 9789976604795
Pages 252
Dimensions 244 x 170 mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2009
Publisher Dar es Salaam University Press, Tanzania
Format Paperback

The Courage for Change

Re-Engineering the University of Dar es Salaam

by Matthew L. Luhanga

African universities including the University of Dar es Salaam faced major resource constraints in the 1970's and 1980's. These constraints had a negative impact on higher education in Africa leading to a decline in the quality of education provided, stagnant or falling enrolments in the face of rapidly expanding populations, deteriorating infrastructure and staff exodus to greener pastures. Written by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Dar es Salaam 1991-2007 this book captures the achievements which were engineered under his leadership to transform the University into an institution which would be better placed to meet the development needs of Tanzania in the 21st century. The book covers the bleak atmosphere prevailing when the author took over as Vice Chancellor in 1991, transformation achievements in the academic, finance and gender aspects, a sampling of the administrative challenges faced and some of the unfinished business which was passed on to succeeding Vice Chancellor.

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About the Author

Matthew L. Luhanga

Matthew L. Luhanga is a professor in telecommunications, linguistics and environmental engineering at the University of Dar es Salaam.

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