ISBN 9789970023028
Pages 100
Dimensions 254 x 178 mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2002
Publisher Fountain Publishers, Uganda
Format Paperback

The Fountain Youth Survival Kit for Schools

A Teacher's Handbook on HIV/AIDS Prevention in Schools.

by Elioda Tumwesigye

HIV/AIDSs has affected almost every family in Uganda. The aim of this book is to fully educate young people about prevention. The book for pupils is at the primary age level, and the book for students at secondary level. The books are explicit and informative about both physical and emotional issues, covering puberty and sexual behaviour. The teacher's handbook is written to empower the teacher with basic information as well as the confidence and skills required to pass this information on to young people. It is easy to use and can be supplemented with information from other sources such as books, radio and TV. Whilst the books are written for Uganda, the information and messages are relevant to a much wider context. The general editor is a medically qualified clinician, who has specialised in Sexually Transmitted Diseases and sex education; and is involved with much public work on HIV/AIDS. (Set of three books)

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