ISBN 9789788195665
Pages 272
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2017
Publisher Onyoma Research Publications, Nigeria
Format Paperback

A History of Iduma from Ancient Times

by Collins E. Daniel

This work is an attempt to reconstruct the history of Iduma from their own tradition. Apart from examining the general history of the people, one particular objective is to show the changing patterns of economic activities in relation to the new demands, resulting from the influence of three external powers: Kalabari (New Calabar), Nembe and the British. The work further examines the self determination of the Iduma people to break loose from Nembe political hegemony to join her kith and kin in the Ogbia Local Government Council under an autonomous Abureni Clan. It also examines the political, social and economic developments of Iduma since the creation of Bayelsa State, including its special place in Ogbia Brotherhood. Finally, it examines Iduma relations with her neighbours over the period.

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