ISBN 9781903625101
Pages 196
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 2001
Publisher African Renaissance, Senegal
Format Paperback

African Literature in Defence of History

An Essay on Chinua Achebe

by Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe

A new essay focusing on the contribution of Chinua Achebe's writing to Africa's literary and political life, from the standpoint of the early twenty-first century, and the present state of Africa. The essay is interdisciplinary drawing on history, politics and economics, conflict theory and literary criticism. It is wide in scope, discussing a breadth of topics such as imbalances in trade relations between Africa and the rest; the inefficacy and hypocrisy of Western aid in light of debt and the arms supply from the West; genocide and HIV; and the implications of current US uni-polar dominance for Africa.

In the context of his study Ekwe-Ekwe celebrates what he argues are the seminal dimensions of Achebe's writings: which affirm an African historicity; point to the futility of an unreconstructed post-colonial state in leading Africa's reconstruction; and advocate an African renaissance based on Africa's critical engagement with its rich cultural heritage.

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About the Author

Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe

Herbet Ekwe-Ekwe is a Professor of history and politics and Director of the centre for Cross-Cultural Studies, Dakar.

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