ISBN 9789783503533
Pages 244
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 2008
Publisher Handel Books, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Bards and Tyrants

Essays in Contemporary African Writing

by Chin Ce

Bards and Tyrants is a collection of essays and book review presentations in literary journals and publisher forums within and outside Nigeria in the last decade by Nigerian novelist, poet, and critic, Chin Ce. In the preface Ce admits the inscription of Africa "in two opposing and irremediable directions by her bards and petty tyrants." While one involves "a visionary literati that seek to elevate the potentials of their educational and cultural inheritance" the other embraces "the politics of tyrannosaurs" who hasten to drag the continent to "a state of complete and total degeneracy." This latter frightening possibility is the issue which must be confronted by those engaged with contemporary African writing. The critique ranges from the journalistic criticism of the Nigerian state to more scholarly essays evaluating some critical aspects and visions of African writers and critics such as Achebe, Ngugi, Soyinka, Nwoga, Chinweizu, Emenyonu, Nnolim and several new poetry, prose and critical voices from the continent. Chin Ce's arguments for new critical directions in modern African writing present bold, and often sardonic, insights.

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About the Author

Chin Ce

Chin Ce is one of the new generation of African writers from Nigeria, a poet, fiction writer and novelist; and is also a graphic editor, columnist, column editor, and essayist.

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