ISBN 9781942876236
Pages 218
Dimensions 234 x 156 mm
Published 2018
Publisher Spears Media Press, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Changing Regimes and Educational Development in Cameroon

by Mathew B. Gwanfogbe

This book provides an in-depth study of the nature and pattern of educational development in Cameroon from 1844 to the post-independence period. Drawing upon a wide range of sources including hitherto unused archival material and formal interviews with people involved in Cameroon’s pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial educational traditions, the result is an elegantly written history enlivened by illustrative texts and archival pictures.

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"This luminous and accessible history of Cameroon education offers profound and crucial insights on the nature and pattern of educational development. It will be a required reading not only for all those connected with history and the history of Cameroon education but also for anyone interested in teaching, learning and policy development in education."

Prof Jerry K. Domatob

"To simply and briefly acknowledge a complex academic treatise, I testify to Dr. Mathew Gwanfogbe’s book having emerged from and reflecting a delightful personality, whose elegant simplicity and devotion to excellence has created a timeless scholarly companion for the intellectual community in general, educators and history students in particular."

Prof. Bame Nsamenang

About the Author

Mathew B. Gwanfogbe

Dr. Mathew B. Gwanfogbe is currently the Vice-Chancellor of the Bamenda University of Science and Technology. He was previously the Director-delegate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Annex), Bambili. He is a member of the Cameroon Historical Society, editor-in-chief of the Pantikar Journal of History and a member of the British History of Education Society. He is a Knight of the Cameroon Order of Merit and a long-standing member of the Bali Historical Society. Gwanfogbe holds a PhD in History from the University of London and has published widely on the history of education in Cameroon.