ISBN 9781942876861
Pages 110
Dimensions 216 x 140mm
Published 2021
Publisher Spears Media Press, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Escape from Prison

by Mary Ngwebong Ngu

Escape From Prison is a composition of sounds, feelings, illustrations and rhythms exuding from real life stories, moments of introspection, reflections on the identity of prisoners, the remote causes of loss of freedom, and instances of escapades into a reverie of an ideal, yet attainable world wherein a peaceful mind finds more harmony in nature than in an exacting and artificial society with mediocre standards. The scenes created are a mélange of current thoughts and events, interlaced with a flashback on past hurts, betrayals, and disappointments. By grappling with these issues, the writer aims to achieve some kind of panacea and mental release. Panic during an arrest scene by the New York police draws back the curtains. Then a window is opened to provide a glimpse of life under detention, lived and observed by a mind that delves beyond that which meets the eye. There are pauses for relaxation, as well as to exhort others in more dire circumstances. As if in an ensemble, after critiquing traditions and systems that defy logic, it ends with a performance, creating room for optimism.

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"... In this compendium of poetry titled Escape from Prison organized into five thematic segments, the poet passionately communicates issues that have deeply perturbed her life."

Dr. Peter Wuteh Vakunta, Associate Professor of French linguistics & Francophone Studies, University of Indianapolis

About the Author

Mary Ngwebong Ngu

Mary Ngwebong Ngu is a veteran journalist, writer, and poet. She was a news anchor at Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV), and later Economic Correspondent as well as Special Correspondent at the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon. Holder of an MA in Information and Communication Sciences from the University of Yaounde, she has written numerous articles in local newspapers and foreign magazines. Mary was a Research Officer at the Prime Minister's Office, and later, Second Councillor at the Embassy of Cameroun in Belgium. She is the author of Earth, Breath and Touch: Inspirational Poems for the Beloved (2001), Behold the College Girls, as well as My Foolishness Prevails (2021), a gripping account of how she overcame a personal life tragedy. In 1993, she became one of the "Young African Leaders "within the framework of the United States Information Service-sponsored program for training on "Pluralism and Democracy." Her second poetry book, Escape from Prison (2021), written during detention in the US catalogues her experiences from a prolonged period of separation from her family as well as displacement from her native community.

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