ISBN 9789964302597
Pages 396
Dimensions 244 x 170 mm
Illustrations Maps
Published 1999
Publisher Ghana University Press, Ghana
Format Paperback

Ghana Regional Boundaries and National Integration

by Raymond Bagulo Bening

Boundary studies in Ghana have focused primarily on the evolution and impact of the international boundaries, to the complete neglect of internal administrative divides. Filling the gap, this comprehensive study reconstructs the originating circumstances of the administrative regions of Ghana: the Gold Coast Colony, the Colony of Ashanti and the Protectorate of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. It analyses the evolution and impact of the internal colonial and regional boundaries as barriers to the movement of people, goods, ideas and capital, and particularly the effects on the border populations.

The five parts cover evolution and problems of the internal colonial boundaries 1874-1951; evolution and problems of the internal colonial boundaries 1951-1997; internal colonial boundaries and amalgamation; regionalism, federalism and the emergence of the Unitary State; and the problem of unity and the creation of regions.

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