ISBN 9789956763207
Pages 112
Dimensions 203 x 127mm
Published 2016
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

La Croisee Des Chemins: Noir Ou Noirci?

by Bill F. Ndi

Lorsqu’un anglophone prend le défi d’écrire en français et pour ceux qui estiment avoir le monopole du français, ce qui en résulte doit titiller le lecteur. Il s’agit de la poésie née de la plume de Bill F. Ndi. N’étant pas son premier recueil en français, La croisée des chemins : noir ou noirci ? frappe par l’usage que le poète fait des mots pour l’image des maux qu’ils représentent à fin de conscientiser le lecteur de ses propres méfaits. L’emploi de mots dans chaque vers est juste, à propos. Sur le plan esthétique et rythmique ces poèmes éveillent les sens.

When an Anglophone takes up the challenge to write in French and for those who think they have the monopoly of the French language, the result is exhilarating for the reader. This is regarding poetry born of the plume of Bill F. Ndi. Though this is not his first collection in the French language, The Crossroads: Black or Blackened smacks with the poet’s lexical usage and the imagery the words evoke to awaken the reader’s conscience of the misdeeds plaguing the society. The word choices are just and à propos. Esthetically and rhythmically, the poems in this volume jolt the reader’s senses.

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About the Author

Bill F. Ndi

Dr. Bill F. Ndi, poet, playwright, storyteller, critic, translator & Fellow of The Booker T. Washington Leadership Institute is an American-Southern Cameroonian who was educated at GBHS Bamenda & Essos, the University of Yaoundé, Nigeria: ABSU, Paris: ISIT, the Sorbonne, Paris VIII & Cergy-Pontoise where he obtained his doctorate degrees in Languages: Translation and Languages, Literatures and Contemporary Civilizations. He has held teaching positions at the Paris School of Languages, the University of the Sunshine Coast at Sippy Downs, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, St Lucia and Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He is presently Professor of Modern Languages, Communication and Philosophy at Tuskegee University, Alabama, USA.

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