ISBN 9789956552979
Pages 50
Dimensions 203 x 127mm
Published 2021
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon
Format Paperback

Restless Mind and other poems

by Ida Ngongkum

Restless Mind and other poems is a collection of thirty-seven poems which strives to enrich the reader's understanding of the human condition, emotion, grief, passion, love, and every possible human experience. Through simple style, the poet takes one on a journey of profound feeling as she dissects the state of existing in a tumultuous universe. 

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"The poems in this collection show Ida Ngongkum's concerns about the world. The mind, of course, cannot be calm in a tumultuous universe, a universe so well described in the poems as 'crazed hullabaloo', a world where God is forsaken and a world in which peace is hard to find. Like every good poet, she instils hope in humankind through visionary hints. The solution to pain and sorrow is to embrace the life beyond. She adopts an advisory tone that spells out the idea of having a purpose in life without which life is a failure and causes overwhelming sorrows. Ida Ngongkum opens up her emotional life for all to see, feel and learn from it. The reader will find in the collection fascinating poems that will inspire readers of all ages."

John Nkemngong Nkengasong, Writer and Critic

About the Author

Ida Ngongkum

Ida Ngongkum is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Biosystems Engineering at Wageningen University and Research in the Netherlands. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Petrochemical Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. Ida is a budding poet who won second prize for the maiden edition of the Anglophone Cameroon Writers Association (ACWA) poetry awards in the Children's category in 2009. Restless Mind and other poems is her first collection of poems.

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