ISBN 9789784908931
Pages 492
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2012
Publisher Safari Books, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Seeking Greener Pastures Abroad

A Migration Profile of Nigeria

by Aderanti Adepoju, Arie van der Wiel

The questions examined by the authors are what happens to human mobility in a globalising world? How does globalisation impact on people in different regions of the world? How do people react to the differential developmental impact of globalisation? Is there a case of circular and cumulative causation which results in developed regions becoming more developed, and less developed regions losing out, even given the little development they have achieved? The first and second parts examine the long history of international migration in Nigeria, from the trans-Saharan trade and trans-Atlantic slave trade, to the later migrations to other parts of West Africa, the rest of Africa, and Europe and North America. The third part examines how migration is being managed in Nigeria and in the host countries; the fourth part considers the developmental implications.

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About the Author

Aderanti Adepoju

Professor Aderanti ADEPOJU spent several years researching issues of migration - internal and international migration - in Africa while at the Universities of Ife and Lagos in Nigeria and while working for the ILO, UN and UNFPA. He is currently Chief Executive, Human Resources Development Centre, Lagos, Nigeria and Co-ordinator of the Network of Migration Research on Africa.

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