ISBN 9781919798721
Pages 160
Dimensions 244 x 170 mm
Published 2006
Publisher Idasa, South Africa
Format Paperback

Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa

Towards the Harmonization of Immigration and Refugee Law in SADC

by Jonathan Klaaren , Bonaventure Rutinwa

This study collates information on national immigration legislation into a single region-wide publication. It is divided thematically into chapters surveying citizenship and registration laws in the SADC, migration and immigration legislation and policies, and refugee protection and immigration controls. The report identifies points of similarity and difference in national immigration law between SADC-member states, and investigates the possibilities for harmonisation of national immigration. It concludes by making recommendations for harmonisation.

The states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have committed themselves to increased regional cooperation and integration. This study collates information on national immigration legislation into a single region-wide publication. It is divided thematically into chapters surveying citizenship and registration laws in the SADC, migration and immigration legislation and policies, and refugee protection and immigration controls. The report identifies points of similarity and difference in national immigration law between SADC member states, and investigates the possibilities for harmonisation of national immigration.

Commissioned by the Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa, this research was carried out by the Southern African Migration Project in partnership with the International Organisation for Migration, South Africa.




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About the Authors

Jonathan Klaaren

Jonathan Klaaren is Associate Professor of Law at the University of Witwatersrand.

Bonaventure Rutinwa

Bonaventure Rutinwas is Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Dar es Salaam.

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