ISBN 9789789183241
Pages 88
Dimensions 216 x 140mm
Published 2015
Publisher Kraft Books, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Spells of Solemn Songs

by Khabyr Alowonle Fasasi

Spells of Solemn Songs is a collection of poems that raises strident voices of confrontation against the bastardisation of the space on political, economic, religious and foreign fronts as well as condemns without fear the lacklustre attitudes of some apathetic figures. It further redirects minds to some ideal African ethos and humane values that engender communal and social well-being and oneness. Carved in a language so mellifluous and so unreservedly resolute, its matchless rhythimic cadence enhances easy reading, flow and comprehension while critically challenging the readers’ perception of the world around.

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About the Author

Khabyr Alowonle Fasasi

Khabyr Alowonle Fasasi teaches in the Department of English Language and Literatre at the Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri Nigeria. 

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