ISBN 9789990816457
Pages 120
Dimensions 216 x 140 mm
Illustrations B/W Illustrations
Published 2002
Publisher Kachere Series, Malawi
Format Paperback

Nchimi Chikanga

The Battle Against Witchcraft in Malawi

by Boston Soko

Chikanga was one of Malawi's most powerful and successful healers who brought concepts and methods from indigenous tradition to his own Christian culture. During the fifties and sixties people having heard he had the power of divination to free them from the bondage of witchcraft and other evil practices, would make pilgrimages to him from the whole of eastern and southern Africa. His methods were, and are, popular and common, though always controversially opposed by the institutional Christian church. This book documents eye-witness accounts of pilgrims, and Chikanga's sessions and techniques, and includes interviews with his acquaintances. It describes his activities in the political context, which forced him to go into exile for seventeen years, and his final period in Malawi.

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