ISBN 9789966560049
ePub ISBN 9789966561527
Pages 128
Dimensions 210 x 148 mm
Published 2015
Publisher East African Educational Publishers, Kenya
Formats Paperback, eBook

Names and Secrets

by Mark Chetambe

The story is told of Chekai, a teenage boy who survives school bullying to become a champion of peaceful coexistence in an ethnically and economically divided society. Matur County is an example of a country that faces internal divisions, one that is under increasing danger from external threats, including terrorism. Chekai is bullied by his teacher, Ms Letia and his class prefect, Goliath. This reflects the ethnic suspicions and economic inequalities that threaten to tear the society apart. However, Chekai thinks realistically about the problems in his society. Through curiosity, he discovers that unlike what is said, the people of Matur County have a lot in common. He realises that they will only defeat their real enemies if they are united. Chekai wins a presidential essay writing competition and becomes a peace ambassador. He uses his new position to chart a new path on which everyone will walk. This includes those who previously bullied him, and those who had been discriminated against.

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About the Author

Mark Chetambe

Mark Chetambe developed an interest in young adults’ literature during his undergraduate days at Kenyatta University. He has made remarkable contributions to the Kenya Schools' and Colleges' drama festival as a script writer and director. Between 1999 and 2012, he was a teacher of English and drama patron at Friends' School Kamusinga. Chetambe is the author of The Village Fool and Other Stories. Currently, he is a PhD student at Kenyatta University, where he also teaches literature.

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