ISBN 9789785325089
Pages 122
Dimensions 216 x 140mm
Published 2016
Publisher Malthouse Press, Nigeria
Format Paperback

Literature, Literary Criticism and National Development

by Charles E. Nnolim

The lectures in this book were delivered at significant points in Professor Nnolim’s career. ‘Literature and the Common Welfare’ (1988) was his inaugural lecture, his declaration that he had come of age as an academic, as a young Professor of literature. In August 2000, he delivered ‘Literature, the Arts and Cultural Development’ to announce his induction as a member of the Nigerian Academy of Letters in which he was finally admitted as a Fellow in 2005. In this lecture, Nnolim makes strong claims about the validity of literature in Nigeria’s national life. In August, 2007, Professor Nnolim delivered ‘The Writer’s Responsibility and Literature in National Development’. Here he re-emphasizes the importance of literary studies in Nigeria’s national life and goes on to lament the total neglect of Nigeria’s artists, writers, and world class intellectuals in national life. The fourth lecture, ‘Morning Yet on Criticism Day: the Criticism of African Literature in the Twentieth Century’, was given as a laureate of the Nigerian National Merit Award, 2009. It unifies Professor Nnolim’s various pleas for the role of literature in national development but particularly re-emphasizing the problem of language in Nigeria’s creative writing and urging governmental intervention in the matter.

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About the Author

Charles E. Nnolim

Charles Nnolim is Professor of English, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters, Fellow of the Literary Society of Nigeria, Fellow of the International Biographical Association, and Fellow of the World Literary Academy

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