ISBN 9782869782099
Pages 440
Dimensions 229 x 152 mm
Published 2008
Publisher CODESRIA, Senegal
Format Paperback

Developing a Sustainable Economy in Cameroon

edited by Aloysius Ajab Amin

Developing a Sustainable Economy in Cameroon is an ambitious effort as the authors try to set a blue print for Cameroon's economy. In the 1980s facing economic crisis, and as dictated by the structural adjustment programme, Cameroon sharply cut public investment expenditures before later cutting government consumption which were followed by privatisation, liquidation of public companies and reduction in the size of the public sector. All these measures are believed to have had devastating effects on the economy. Given the performance of the economy so far the authors suggest that much more effort, with a strong commitment of the main stakeholders, is required to guarantee sustainable economic development in Cameroon. Truly, very few countries in Africa possess such enormous human and natural resources as Cameroon does. This volume brings out the challenges Cameroon faces in its quest for development as well as for designing appropriate strategies for addressing those development challenges.

Book Preview


"This book contains a well thought out and meticulous work that engenders a plan for pushing Cameroon towards a sustainable economy.…This work will be of interest to those interested in better understanding development process in Cameroon characterized by a paradox that the authors formulated as 'with so much to be done needing many resources, yet much resources remain idle, unemployed and underemployed'. I congratulate the team and heartedly recommend this book to decision makers, policy analysts, students interested in Africa's development process and that of Cameroon in particular."

Dr Abdoulaye Niang, Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

"The book is written to enhance and direct policy formulation and implementation; the chapters are properly rooted in theoretical/conceptual foundation and empirical analysis. They cut across the real, financial and social sectors of the Cameroon economy. …The chapters not only analyze policies but also proffer solutions to the various economic and social problems of the economy. The book will serve as a research reference for both academics and students in various disciplines of the social sciences."

Professor Sheriffdeen Tella, Dean Faculty of Social Science and Management, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria

"Within a solid theoretical framework, the authors critically analyze the different challenges that a country like Cameroon faces in its development effort. They bring out the crucially important role of the government in contributing to create a broad-based development pattern particularly in creating the necessary infrastructure, raising the productivity level of the economy, providing and delivering the appropriate social services. Underscoring the role of institutions in production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in Cameroon's economy, the book offers concrete solutions in terms of infrastructure, human and institutional development.…Such treatment of development issues is exceptional given the scientific and intellectual rigor that had gone into it. Indeed, this is an excellent book for students, academics, policy makers, development practitioners, private sector operators, representatives of civil society organizations, and even the general reader."

Professor John C. Anyanwu, Chief Research Economist, African Development Bank (ADB), Tunisia

"Developing a Sustainable Economy in Cameroon is a major analytical undertaking in the neoclassical tradition. Using rigorous analytical tools and assuming good management and optimal use of the country's abundant natural and human resources,  Professor Amin and his colleagues set out to show the optimal path which Cameroon ought to have followed to attain sustainable development. I highly recommend the book for all interested in economic development."

Dr Joseph Ntangsi, Representative, KFW German Development Bank, Cameroon

About the Editor

Aloysius Ajab Amin

Aloysius Ajab Amin is the Deputy Director and Head of Training at the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) Dakar, Senegal. He has published in the areas of human development, poverty and development.

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